What is Red-Light Therapy
Red light therapy (RLT) or Photobiomodulation is a treatment that may help skin, muscle tissue, joints and other parts of your body heal. It exposes you to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Infrared light is a type of energy your eyes can't see, but your body can feel as heat. RLT Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to refine, plump and strengthen the skin. Boosts luminosity thanks to improved circulation and plumped complexion.
Promotes wound healing and tissue growth
Aids with short-term relief of pain and morning stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Improves complexion and builds collagen.
Helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.
Reduces psoriasis lesions
Helps relieve muscle pain and inflammation
Helps remove pain from sunburns
Helps as a preventative to avoid sunburns
Stimulates hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia
Help for the short-term treatment and relief of carpal tunnel syndrome
Stimulates healing of slow-healing wounds, like diabetic foot ulcers
Prevents recurring cold sores from herpes simplex virus infections
Improves the health of joints in people with degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee
Helps diminish scars
Relieves pain and inflammation in people with pain in the Achilles tendons
Reduces some of the side effects of cancer treatments, including oral mucositis
Helps fight depression, seasonal effective disorder, and postpartum depression
Activates the lymphatic system to help “detoxify” the body
Boosts the immune system
Reduces cellulite
Aids in weight loss
Treats inflammation in the eye and helps improve eye sight
Treats back or neck pain
Fights Periodontitis and dental infections
Used with blue light to cure acne
Often used holistically to treats cancer
Can significantly reduce oxidative stress which can help with restoring memory function for Alzheimer, Dementia, PTSD and Concussions
Side Effects of RLT Therapy?